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Letters from Ardis
Please keep me in mind whenever you are seeking additional staffing
Thanks for your resume. I note that you are resident in Texas. We are a very small company in England. What attracts you to us? Did we give you the impression that we are seeking staff? If so please let me know and I will correct the misleading impression for others who may also get this idea. We want to further the careers of those interested in IT as a profession in ways which are economically viable and beneficial to all parties.[She then published a new poem on her site, the Abyss.]
So I don't know if I could help you, but if I could I would.
I wrote to you before in response to your offer to work for me. My note was aloof, dubious. Now I have seen your web site I am totally seduced. You have the job! I wasn't seeking additional staffing but you can name your own job! I am in love with your site.
Ian .....
...we think similarly ...nothing is set in stone...Im a free gal...
Dear Ardis
. . .
I feel there is something to share way beyond business ventures, and it's something rare.
. . .
IanAuthors note: Ardis started it. She published on her website, back in 1999, a serialised fictionalised account of our correspondence, entitled "Letters from Ian", though only a fragment of the first instalment survives.
Dear Ardis
If I didn't already have a connection to that abyss inside myself it would fill me with restless almost unbearable longings as did a sunny sky and summer ocean when I was a child.
Dear Ardis
Sorry to have bothered you then. I have enjoyed our contact.
Will respond when I have a little more time.
There has been "Divine Intervention" in my life these last few years, as if I had been set out on a path and pushed in a particular direction. Sometimes I deviated from the path and was rewarded with turmoil and distress, and sometimes I stayed on it for a long period of time and life was rich and stress free.
...As if I were "filled up" with something, almost like electricity, but it was a wonderful feeling of warmth and fulfillment....
I do believe in God, in his power, in his ability to complete control what obstacles are placed in our paths to bring us enlightenment and closer to an understanding of exactly why we are here.
I am a descendant of Cherokee Indians and I do feel that tie to the land and the tradition of their beliefs in a God that teaches us through nature. It's such a simple philosophy that I have difficulty understanding why others can't see it. However, I guess sometimes we have the most difficulty in seeing the simplest of truths.
Dear Ardis
. . . Lightning stalked the hills around Wycombe last night and gradually arrived directly overhead. The rain sounded first a steady, delicate sssshhh and then it came down in sheets and made streams and rivulets down our steep street. The thunder rolled around growling like a large cat and then started the full and massive orchestration as the forked lightning hit the town itself and the bedroom was momentarily lit up, like flash photography, again and again, even though the curtains were pulled close. All this while, I was out of bed, sitting on the window seat just gazing, listening, like a wide-eyed child, whilst the family slept or stirred fitfully. . . .
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