These journals were mostly scribbled in notebooks by hand. Often they were typed up only so as to be sent in letters. But maybe I’ll type up some more, just to put them in here.
My definition of a journal: it reflects the here and now of its composition, though it may be any kind of reflection, including reminiscences of the distant past or philosophical musings. But it differs from other literary forms in being spontaneous, not heavily polished or edited.
From Borneo - a visit to Pulao Manukan, 2002
Of Wasps, Angels and Field-mice, High Wycombe
2002. Written as a letter (i.e. an email) from my backyard
From St
Michael's Green: Engineering or Angels?
From St Michaels
Green: a Magical Place
A letter: which partly explains the origins of this site
My new blog
Clips at left and
right: the sun came out after heavy rain, and everything was magical, even the puddles in a busy road. High Wycombe, March 2004