The Mindless Maid
How Mechanical Jane came into my young life and perhaps
unconsciously directed me into a career in computers.
The full text of that little play first published in 1910.
Catherine's Home Page
"In development." My younger daughter was once sentimental about orang utans. Her mother was born in Borneo, where We visited the Sepilok Sanctuary.She put together a big slide show for her schoolfriends of orang-utans and monkeys, and we planned some web pages. But then she grew up.
Cacophonia 1
Cacophonia 2 Cacophonia 3 Cacophonia 4
How to explain Cacophonia? Just click on the links to find out.
Photos at left and right taken in High Wycombe. At left, roof of the Little Market House in the town centre. At right, a view of new houses in Downley from Desborough Avenue.