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writing as an art
About this blog 7may06
Giving something back 8aug06
Writing instrument 26dec07
Blazing a trail 8jul08
Coming back to East Cowes
Ghetu files a new story 08dec08
Art, not Nature 26apr09
The Blue Sea 02jun10
Falling into Place 18Sep11
Binding a joy 3May12
Through handwriting to Eternity 12oct12
Reader-friendly 14may13
Finding oneself in literature 19mar15
Tsundoku 3sep15
Life and Art 22sep15
The moment; and The Rainbow 27feb18
“blogging” & beyond
Modest ambitions 28sep06
A new style 30jan07
Why write memoirs 26nov07
The lure of wordsmithing 19sep08
Why do we blog 19sep06
Virtual Gardens 8Nov06
Dr Johnson and Blockheads 23jun07
Privacy 25Jul07
Confession and concealment 18apr12
The Faculty of Wonder 9apr09
Literature reveals the soul 20oct09
Don't be abashed 16aug10
The Kindle Reader 5feb11
Preface to a book 12feb11
Annie Dillard 12mar11
Possession by a god 17may11
Letter to the Universe 29Jun12
Live by the pen; die by the pen 2aug12
Inside out 21jul13
To my literary agent 16aug13
The printing-factory 13apr14
The Charabanc of trippers 13may14
It has to stay on Wordpress 12nov17
Indefinite sabbatical 15oct15
Breadcrumbs . . . . . . . . 25mar18
Camus’ Le mythe de Sisyphe, part 1 10Nov10
Camus’ Le mythe de Sisyphe, part 2 13Nov10
Camus’ Le mythe de Sisyphe, part 3 2Jan11
Camus’ Le mythe de Sisyphe, part 4 16Jul11
other authors
Free As a Bird (Anup Roy) 1May08
Seeing from a height (re Paul Maurice Martin) 17jul08
One Minute Please! (Robert Benchley) 22dec11
Ticket to Paradise (Anup Roy) 16Jan12
Prizewinning prophecy 16Feb12
Mighty system predicted 18feb12
Everything Knows (Anup Roy) 8Jun12
The Travelling Companion (Anup Roy) 16Feb13
From Vincent to Theo (Oct. 1888) 20mar13
Piklu and the Old Man (Anup Roy) 21apr13
The Howrah Bridge Palmist (Anup Roy) 29jul13
Meeting Ghetu 1aug13
The Sun Temple (Brian Spaeth) 6sep13
La vie En Rosé, (Natalie D’Arbeloff) 7feb15
The Wretched (Anup Roy) 26jun18
Powys & the Dead Frog 29jun18
Old pieces
Software in the Nineties (1976, Vincent) 15Feb12
Essay on The English Heritage (Vincent, 1958) 11mar13
Where would we be without metaphor? 3feb09