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Sacrifice vs. Conscience 11may06
Reality is Inchoate 16may06
Angels & Grace 30may06
Getting what you asked for 31may06
Mind, Body & Spirit 24jun06
War is when both sides are wrong 30jul06
What's wrong 2aug06
What people put up with 8oct06
The Sacred 20oct06
Spiritual path 7jan07
Good and bad 20may07
How to be fearless 3jul07
Musing in the bath 18dec07
Problems solved 1jan08
Body wisdom 30jan08
Dignity 14mar08
Illusion 30oct09
The world one lives in 22nov09
The folly of a clown 12jan10
Panspermia 7aug10
Magic 11sep11
Everything desires 23jun12
I am not a machine 17nov14
The bench on st Michael's Green 24mar15
Pursue your dreams? 23jul15
My Life As Art 1oct15
A letter addressed to me 24may17
The Idea of Perfection
Art as Generosity 8nov18